Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Re: pregnant shih-poo

Re: pregnant shih-poo

18 13:31:38

4 yr.old breed 3 times; last 10/29. Today,rooting under bed, peeing alot, milk can be extracted. Just let out long scream, went limp. Sleeping under chair now. What is going on with her? Also, do you have leads to canine midwives, nurses in Durham, NC?
Thank you,
Nervous owner

Hi Zacki.  You wrote that your Shih-poo has bred three times before, so I'm guessing that she has never acted this way before?  

Sounds to me like she is in labor, have you taken her temp?  If she is in labor her temp should be under 100.  

Tell me about the father.  Is he bigger than her?  If so, by how much (3 lbs heaver, 5 lbs heaver).

If the father is considerably larger then she is, their is a chance that the puppies are large and she might need assistance.

Sorry, I do not know of anyone you can call in the Durham, NC area.

Please keep me posted.

Penny DiLoreto