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Pitbull Breeding and Heat Cycles

18 13:29:15

My Pitbull Kimber is almost 9 months old and is on her 1st heat cycle. How long
should I expect her heat cycle to last and how many heat cycles do they have a
year? Also, at what age would be the best to breed her. My husband wants to
breed her in about 9 months, but I'm not sure if she will be ready. Thanks!

Hi Lisa. The heat will last for about 21 days. She may come into heat every 6 months, or every 8 months, it's hard to say for sure every dog is different. I would wait until she as close to two before you breed her. Pit bulls are large dogs, and need the extra time to finish growing. If a dog is bred too early, you can run into problems, and mom may decide to not take care of the pups, leaving you to do it 24/7, and it's rough work.:-) Good luck!