Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > beeding?


18 13:38:21

Hi, I bred my female to a stud June 10.  I have seen no signs of pregnancy(she is a german shepherd)I also own a neautered male shepherd pet...just today he started trying to mount her and barking at this a good sign??  he vulva isnt huge!  I can't tell.  I never had him trying to mount her this far out of heat.  what do ya think???

Hi James. Is there any way that she could be going through a split-heat? Did her last heat cycle last the normal length, and did she allow the stud to breed her? Some dogs' vulva will stay larger after a heat cycle if she took, some won't. It's awfully early to be able to tell for sure if she's pregnant or not. Are her nipples getting any bigger? Does she look like she's filling out any? Is she more tired, or any other odd behavior?