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Labrador not getting tie

18 11:58:32

My 2 year old lab has visited a stud every other day since her 11th day in heat. We are on day 15 now and every visit they mate but the stud who is experenced is getting an outside tie. The stud owner has not had this before and thinks its cause my lab is not quit ready but i think it could be that my lab is moving away just as its happening.

Hi Lisa

I'm not sure what you mean by "outside tie".  Do you mean he becomes fully extended without entering the female?

I agree with the stud owner, you female may not be ready.  Also are you just "visiting" or is your female having sleep overs so they can do there business without an audience?  If you are bringing her over for an hour or two, that might be the problem.  Consider leaving her with the stud owner for a few days.

The alternative is to hold the female so the male can mount her without her walking or dancing away.  

Good luck