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2 Dog Breeding Questions

18 11:59:52

I have a Dachshund female that is 10 days into her second heat.  I have been planning on breeding her with a friends dog, but she just old me that he is behind on his vaccines, should I not take her to breed.  Also she is only 15 months old should I have been told that it is OK to breed her in her second heat, but then I have seen other info that says she should be 2 years old before she is breed, should we wait for her next heat?

How old is the male? What vaccinations are missing?  

It's important that a female be mentally and physically healthy before even considering breeding her. Is the female a Mini Dachshund or a regular one?  Small dogs mature quicker than large ones but each dog has to be taken on a individual  basis.  15 months would be old enough to breed if she is healthy and has no hereditary defects.

Anything and everything is the enemy of semen.  If the male gets his shots chances are her won't be producing viable semen for a few weeks to a month regardless.