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silent heat

18 13:44:50

hi, I have many questions because i put off getting my pickles spayed help? I have a 7 month old femal jack russell that has not been spayed yet and a 2 year old male jackrussell that was nuetered about 2 weeks ago. I think my femal might be in silent heat. Can she get pregnant while in silent heat? will my male still try to mount her? How can I tell if she really is in this silent heat and how long will this last?

Hi Sarah! A dog can indeed get pregnant during a silent heat. If you think she's in heat, keep her away from all dogs for atleast 3 weeks. A normal heat lasts that long. It will be pretty hard to tell for sure if she's having a silent heat. Watch your male dog. You have a 2 year old that was only neutered 2 weeks ago. He'll still remember, and will most likely mount. Watch how she acts towards him. She'll flirt, show him her rear, flag her tail, and may even mount him. With a silent heat, the only thing you can do is to watch the dogs' signals. And then wait her out. Keep a close eye on her just in case. Good luck!