Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Day 67

Day 67

18 11:55:35

I have a 3yr old toy Poodle who is now 67 days from 1st tie. This is her 2nd litter.  I assisted in breeding. She tied day 7,8,10 and 11.  I am so used to my girls whelping on 63 or 64 days from 1st tie so now that she is beyond I am self panicking LOL. I can make out at least 3 heartbeats (guess-ti-mate). She is eating, drinking, resting, clear discharge. Temp 99.1. She only nest in whelping box at night to "settle in" and then rests well all night. Her last litter she whelped Jan 19, 2010 and her ties were day 7,9,11.  How long can I let her go before being concerned? I am keeping myself calm thinking she might have ovulated after 3rd breeding and if thats the case she would be day 64 today. She shows no distress at all and her pups are very active.  Help??


Remember it's day 63 from when the egg was fertilized not necessarily for the date of mating.  7 days for the egg to mature, and the sperm lives for 72 hours. So that can give you days to play with.

If the pups are active and the female is in no distress, I would wait a few days before panicking. If you're female's temperature starts to rise and the discharge turns from clear to blackish/green then get her in to the vet immediately.  

Regardless, I would still contact your vet and schedule an appointment, the cost for a scheduled c-section is cheaper and less risky than a emergency one.

Good luck