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my jackrussell bicth

18 13:32:13

hi i have a jackrussell bitch she is about 2 years old 2 dogs have tied with her within days apart wile shes been in season will she get pregnant and how will i know shes pregnant shes a very clingy dog and eats anything.thankyou

Hi Karen:

The chances of her being pregnant are pretty high, It's unfortunate two different males mated with her as two can sire within the same litter.

The earliest way to know for sure if she's pregnant would be to have your vet conduct an ultrasound around 25-30 days gestation as it can usually detect fetal heartbeats as early as that. It's a wise idea, particularly in this case, to have an X-ray performed at 50+ days gestation which is good for determining litter size & possible puppies which may be over-sized, making a normal delivery tricky. If your vet feels this might be the case upon examining the X-ray, you may have to plan for a C-section, which would be a good time to have her spayed if you don't plan to breed her in the future.