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new born boxer wont feed

18 13:44:57

He was the last to be born, and the puppy before him was dead when born. He seemed to be stuck neck out for a few minuets then I gently assisted my female by pulling slowly. He kind of was gaspy(more so than the others)and won't latch on to her. So I have tried to bottle feed him. He really doesn't seem to suck. He moves around crawls under moms neck and so should I be worried. I feel bad because I should have kept on watching her, it was awhile an hour or more though before he came I thought she was done.

I'm going to give you a web site that is very detailed on how to take care of these kinds of puppies. It is written by a vet, and is worded much better than I could ever hope to explain it. I know it will give you valuable information, it has helped me plenty of times. Good luck!