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breeding of my two boxers

18 11:55:35

I have a 4yr old german male that weighs 80lbs and i now have a new puppy and she is a brindle and at 15wks she weighed in at 25lb, do you think that she will grow big enough to breed with my male, i am worried because she seems so small framed.  my vet says she should have no problem.  is there a weight difference that i should look for.  thank you

I cannot tell you if she is going to be too small to breed to your male. It all depends on her lineage and how big her parents were. What is more important is that you do all health testing prior to considering breeding either him or her. Boxers have a ton of health problems as a breed and to produce more without proper health testing would be highly irresponsible. At a minimum you should do hips and elbows through OFA and cardiac for heart. That way it eliminates producing more unhealthy dogs.