Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > black lab

black lab

18 11:55:17

Hello hope your having a wonderful wknd. Our black lab had puppies 6 days ago she is feeding them well but I notice that she won't stay in the box with them for a long time she wants to be outside,she does go in to the room where they are and sees them and comes out again, is that ok? if she hears them cry she will go and see them if they stop crying she comes out.I guess would expect her to be with them much longer than just feeding them, though she does sleep with them all thru the night,am I worrying to much? Please help, thank you I will appreciate your help.

Hi Bubbles

There are a number of reason why you're female won't stay in the whelping box, the main one is she's overheating.

How old is she?  As long as the pups are eating, going to the bathroom and are warm, they should be fine.  

Good luck