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1 week old puppy

18 13:28:58

my mini dachshund a had puppies last week well we a runt. as small as a mice. it seem to want to feed from mom but doesn't have the strength to feed so the vet giving us formula to feed her. she's not taking it to well. so we try to have a one on one with the mom. well she keeps bring her to us. what does that mean when she brings her pup to us. we tried a bottle and a medicine syringe. seem to work sometime i don"t want this puppy to die. please help.

Hi. Mom may be bringing it to you because she may know something that we don't, that there may be something wrong with this puppy. It could be because of it's small size compared to the others, or because it is weak and having trouble nursing, or may be because it's body temp is lower than it should be. Make sure the pup is warm, and then try to feed it. It this puppy continues to have problems nursing from a bottle, you may have to tube feed it. I would call your vet and bring the pup to him and ask him to show you how to do it. I really don't like to tell people on the computer how to tube feed as I'm afraid that I may miss an important step. If done right, it can save a puppy. This may be what's needed to save this pup.