Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction >

18 11:55:17

QUESTION: My female is 3 yrs and my male is about
4yrs. She is in heat and every time he mounts.
She squeals and he gets off. I have tried holding
Her but it doesn't work. What can I do


What is the size / weight difference?

What day is she at?

Is she experienced?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is small for a pom and the male is normal. She is bout
7lb and he is bout 12lb. Neither of them are experienced
if u aren't an expert in poms then help me as best as u can

You didn't mentioned the breed and small breeds are notorious for problems with breeding.

Try leaving the male and female alone together in a pen.  Try and have them within view but give them privacy.

You didn't mention which day she is in heat.  She may be early.