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Breeding a dominate female

18 13:40:25

We are planing on breeding our English bull terriers for the first time with there next heat but we are afraid of them fighting. We have had them get into a few fights before so we have separated them so that they are not loss together to avoid the fights. If one of them gets hurt they go after the other one. Our female is also very protective over me. Do you think they will be OK when they hook up, will nature take its course?

Thank you,

ANSWER: You should keep both dogs muzzled, leashed and you should be in attendance with at least one other person to keep them from getting hurt.
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


So you believe that they will breed muzzled? I was told that they may not?

Thank you,

Hi Nikki
At least keep the female muzzled. Getting a cystology, and a hormone level done on your girl will help to know when optimal breeding time is close. Having them AI'd of course is the safest, most successful way to breed. This breed can be really nasty when experiencing a tie, particularly for the first time. I would prefer myself to take a chance on them not breeding due to a muzzle, rather than risking injury or worse to one or both of them.
Try to get an experienced friend to help you or even go to your vet for help. Next time should be easier
Good luck