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18 13:27:30

my lhasa apso had a litter of 4 puppies her first time she(Abby) is 4 years old.One of the females is the runt alot smaller then the rest at 3 days took all to vet have dew claws removed at 8 days she has milk coming out of its nose back to vet and they said it does not have a cleft pallet said every thing sounds good they put her on (amoxicillin) penicillin  she is still on that twice a day she has put some weight on not much.The vet is no help don't know why she is doing this.What kind of tests or surguries should be done to figure out what is wrong with her?She is now 23 days old. i know i can't sell her Thank You for any help patti n puppy

Hi. She doesn't have a cleft pallet, that's the importnant thing. A lot of times, it just takes the smallest puppy a while to catch up to his siblings. There's most likely nothing wrong with her, she just needs extra time. Your vet put her on the meds maybe hoping to stop her from getting sick when the milk came out of her nose. This is called aspiration, and it can be deadly. Get some NurtiCal from your vet. This will give her extra calories and nutrients that she may need. I think that she just needs time. After she hits 6-7 weeks, take her back to the vet for a check up to listen to her heart, and you may want some blood work done on her. If everything comes up fine, then I wouldn't worry. Give her the extra time she needs to catch up, and if she's given a clean bill of health, I don't see why you couldn't find her a great home. Good luck!