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pregnant dog at 62 days

18 11:55:39

I am going to try to word this the right way. My dog is 62 days pregnant today and well she started very little last night with shivering, panting and nesting. lasted only a few hours then she went to sleep when she got back up this am she was starting to do it again and it was a lil bit stronger this time. She has been doing this all day today and I already called the vet they said it sounds like the first stage of labor is happening. How long is this going to last. Is it all really normal. I have read some things about these symptoms but lots of contradicting statements and information. this is also her first litter. She is a lil over 2 years old. I am worried and even though I have already talked to her vet I just need someone else's opinion on this all.

Hi Lori, I am so glad you have contacted the Vet.  Good for you.
Sounds like she is in the first stage and this can last 48 hrs or less-

See this web site / VERY good info:
The following is taken from the above web site:

Things to watch for are:

-Nesting behavior

-Dam could become distressed (pacing, acting uncomfortable, panting,
restlessness, discomfort, licking Vulva, vomiting, and frequent urination.)

-Temperature should be taken 3 times per day and should be 100 -100.8
when temp drops considerably to 98 to 99 puppies should present themselves within 24hours. At this time >> inform your Vet of pending puppies.

-Dam may refuse food, as her appetite goes away.

-Stools may turn dark.

-Do not let Dam out to relieve herself without supervision.

-Offer smaller meals, and maybe try some more expensive canned food from the Vet office.

The first stage of labor, can last 24 hours, and can go totally un-noticed

The second stage usually begins with a rather clear, or mucous-like discharge from the vulva. In the second stage of labor contractions should start. There will be more discharge, and the presentation of a round golf-ball size membrane sack of water. Some Vets recommend not letting her puncture this sac. This is the protective sac that the puppy is in. After presentation of this sac, the puppy could be out in about 30min. If Dam continues to strain hard for longer than 45 min. on a single puppy, it is wise to call your Vet. (remember there should never be time limits, as every situation is different.  It is always Best to call your Vet and do what He/She recommends.

Good Luck with everything....

I just delivered 14 pups and it went very well.
We did have to open the sac and clean each pup.  MOMMA was having them in our Vehicle during our  Transport.  ( We picked her up from the Shelter, she was a pregnant stray)

Marie Peppers