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Early labor

18 13:40:47

I have a 5 yr old yorkie Emmy that weights about 3 lbs and is pregnant from a smaller yorkie.  The previous owners just told me Emmy had one litter before but labored 10 days early.  Is there anything a vet can give a dog to stop labor.  What can be done to help her carry full term?

Hi C.J.! You need to get with your vet, and make a game plan for this dog. The best thing that you can do for her is to not let her get fat, and make sure she gets some exercise. However, with her history, you don't want to overdo it. There's really not a whole lot that you can do to stop a dog when she goes into labor. She may have had an infection that last time, causing it. It's hard to know for sure. Have the vet do some cultures to make sure no infection is present. She may not do that this time. It may have also just been a fluke. I'd take her in to the vet, and see what he thinks you guys should do to make sure that she has a healthy pregnancy, and delivers when she's suppose to. Another good bet would be to try and find a repro vet close by, or a vet that has a good amount of experience with pregnant bitches, and whelping. Good luck, and if I can help, let me know!