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Pregnant Mini Dachshund

18 13:46:39

I received a long hair mini dachshund as a rescue. I had no idea she was even pregnant. I was told by the person that was bording her, she was not going to be a year old until November. I don't know when she became pregnant or when she would be due? Is there ways for me to tell when she is getting ready to go into labor? Is this safe for her given her young age?

Good for you for taking care of this girl! :-)She is really young to be having puppies. I would take her to your vet and see what he says about her being able to have them. There's really no way to tell when she'd be due unless you knew for sure when she was bred. When her time is getting close, her breasts will swell up, and the hair around them should fall out, in a circle like pattern. About a week or so before she whelps you'll be able to feel the pups moving around pretty good. 24-48 hours before labor starts, she'll loose her mucus plug. It's kind of like a clearish, stringie glob that comes from her vagina. She'll start to pant, and dig at everything. If she has these pups, you'll have to build her a whelping box and keep it by itself, out of the way. I really recommend taking her to the vet and see what he says about her being able to whelp, and he should be better able to tell you when she's due. Good luck, and if I can be of anymore assistance, let me know!