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Our neighborhood Dog

18 13:29:25


I need your help ASAP. You see, we've a neighborhood dog who is SO SWEET. I've missed her for awhile. Then, just yesterday I saw her coming my way...slowly (not like her). So, after she and my dog sniffed and said their "hi's", she did her normal...rolled over on her back. OMG! She had pups! I was so happy for her...then I looked at her teets again. They are huge. Each one is like a half of a baseball and look like they'd hurt. I felt one, and she just looked at me with such sweet and trusting eyes. I had to do a quick glance over, because of neighbor. I did notice that her back two teets looked a bit like scratches on it (red).
Should I try and sneek some utter cream on her? I've a feeling that the pups are not suckling. For I've never seen this. Could that be? I haven't seen, nor heard pups either. How can I help that sweet dog? The owner won't give her up for some reason.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. How long does it take to become a Vet?...I'm thinking on this, and I'm in my mid 50's now.


The female could be on her way to mastitis. An extremely painful and dangerous infection of the teats.  She needs more than utter cream. The teats need to be bathed in warm water and the milk needs to come down.  And the best way to do that is to let the female stand in a warm bath for 10 - 15 minutes and massaged. And in extreme cases she may require antibiotics.  If her milk becomes sour and bad it will become toxic and fatal for any pups.

The liability of handling or treating your neighbor's dog should be considered.  You may want to contact the SPCA to come and take her out of the situation before it worsens.

Good luck

P.S.  -- 7 years of medical school to become a vet.