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lhasa mothers after whelping

18 11:59:37

my puppies are 2 days old now when born they weighed 6 oz now they weigh 5oz and up ...i noticed mummy s teets are very swollen and hard .the puppies are still feeding but dont seem to have a full belly some have more than others should i worry about the teets i am massgaing them is this the right thing to do ....?

Hi William

It sounds like your female has mastitis, or the beginning of it.   Placing her in a bath of warm water (completely covering her teats) and gently massaging them until the milk is expressed is what's needed.

You shouldn't allow the pups to feed of the infected teats, as the bad milk can be fatal to them.  You may also have to pop into the vet for a low dose of antibiotics.

Good luck