Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Female Cairn Terrier - 2 years old - just whelped

Female Cairn Terrier - 2 years old - just whelped

18 11:59:13

Our female Cairn Terrier dog just whelped her first litter of 8 healthy puppies 5 and a half weeks ago.  She retained her last placenta so we took her in the next day for a shot of oxy and antibiotics. She has just begun to ween her litter.  She has all along had a dark bloody discharge which we were told was the retained placenta and some of it came out every day.  Now she is having bright red blood come out every day and while it does not smell bad; and she does not seem to be running a fever; and is not off her food, we are wondering what is going on with her.  Should we take her to the veterinarian again?

Hi Cindy

Is it just "spotting" when she pee's or is it larger amounts?

With a large litter it can take time for the uterus and body to get back into shape, this can cause spotting.  Anything more than that would be a concern and I would take her back to the vet.

Good luck