Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > number of puppies in a litter

number of puppies in a litter

18 11:59:39

I have heard that the more times a male and female mate during the heat season, the more puppies that she will have. If this is true, then one mating would be a small litter, versus many matings, a larger litter. Also, if this would be true, could  a litter contain puppies from different sires, IF multiple breedings would take place>?

I am open to any answers, please

Hi Lloyd

That's a myth. The female is solely responsible for the number of pups in the liter and the male the sexes.

A female is born with all the eggs she is going to produce. Her body releases the eggs and the male fertilizes them with his semen (a male will produces over ten million sperm in one go).

All these sperm are need as the act as "bodies" and are used to get the others up and over the hurtles to the eggs.

Yes it is possible for more than one dog to sire a litter.