Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breading


18 11:59:17

ok so i just want to know, how do u start off breading a dog. i mean like do u put a girl dog and a boy dog together and just hope that they make a puppy and stuff. like do they have sex and stuff? im very confused. please can you tell me because i am very curious about this! thanks!

Hi Em

If you are just a "backyard" breeder or "puppy miller", then yes throw two dogs together and hope for pups.

But serious breeders with a commitment to both their breed of choice and the health and overpopulation of dogs in general will give careful consideration to all and any breeding that occurs.  They will know bloodlines, health history, genetics, health issues, and temperaments of the animals they are breeding.  They will insure they have the best care, food, supplements and vet care available.  

The condense version is this.  A female can only be bred when she's in heat.  There are stages to a season. When she's ready or close to ovulation she will flag a male to let him know that she's ready.  The male mounts her, and a tie ensues.  Gestation is 63 days and pups result.