Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > chihuahua is pregnant but male is mounting?

chihuahua is pregnant but male is mounting?

18 13:44:45

I have looked everywhere online and can't figure out what is going on. My female should be giving birth in the next 2 weeks and my male has started mounting her again. Do you know what would be causing this? It isn't like a dominating mount. He is really going at it. And she is standing there letting him do it. I don't want her to get hurt or something happen to the puppies. Do you have any suggestions as to what is going on? I don't want to have to separate them but I am unsure why he is doing it. Can he tell that she is getting ready to have the puppies?

Are you absolutely, positively 100% sure that she's pregnant? I ask this because sometimes a female dog can have what is called a split heat. She'll start her heat cycle out normal, quit for a while, then start it back up again. If you're sure that she is pregnant, then your male may be responding to her hormones. It can be confusing to them. This happens sometimes to inexperienced, or young, males. I would suggest taking her in for a check up just to make sure all is well. Just to be on the safe side.