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pregnant sheltie

18 13:29:43

My female was bred on 1-11, 1-13 and 1-15.  When can we be expecting her litter.  I am sure she is pregnant.

Hi Nancy.  The normal gestation period for dogs is between 58 - 63 days.  Here is a link to a Dog Pregnancy Calendar that I use and love.

Just type in the date you mated your female, at the top, and the calendar will print out a complete - week by week- listing of what you should expect.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  I also want to apologize for the delay in replying to your question.  I am having some remodel work done at my home and lost my internet connection.  It should now be working again without further delay.

Penny Diloreto