Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > my old pregnant dog

my old pregnant dog

18 11:55:36

QUESTION: I have a ten year old chawawaha mix. She ran off while she was in heat and she got pregnant.I was just wondering what would be some of the risks or problems that she might would have while having the pups. Also she is really dehydrated cause when I pull her skin up on her neck it does not go back to place. What would be something I could give her to treat that other then water?. And I really don't have the money to take her to the vet. And she is really close to having her pups cause her stomach is really big. Is there something I can do to help here?


Risk 1.  She was bred to a Lab, Shepherd, Great Dane. Anything bigger than a bread box that will cause her not to be able to whelp the pups naturally.

Risk 2.  She contact a STD from a dog that she bred with.

Risk 3.  You don't know when she due.  Large pups + Chihuahua mix = C-section.  If she can't whelp the pups naturally, certain death for the pups and the female.

Finally she's 10, a senior citizen, that alone can cause problems.  

If she's dehydrated, she needs fluids. If you don't have access to lactating ringer to inject sub q, then ice cubes might work.

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I ain't forsure what she got stuck with. But there is a bunch of dogs that run around the neighbor hood, most of them are small dogs. A little bigger then her. Is there any way to tell if she has to big of pups inside her? And what can I do to help her if she starts to have them and there to big or she is having problems while having them? And how do I know if she is having problems while she has them?

If she's straining and pushing and she's not getting anywhere, there's a problem.

The best thing to do would be to get x-ray's done so you can anticipate any problems that might arise.

A c-section is the only thing that will help when it comes to puppies to large for the mother to birth.