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first litter and i am scared poopless

18 13:31:51

HI Renee...My 2 year old boxer Jazzy mated with our 2 year old boxer/pit Tyson and Jazzy is ready to give birth within the next 2 weeks.  I have prepared the whelping bed but she seems to have no interest in it.  She lays in front of the fireplace instead.  She goes in the bed once or twice in a 3 day period, messes up the blankets and leaves.  I dont know what to do.  I had been told that once she begins labor I am to remove Tyson from the area, is this true?  Also, now that it is coming closer to her delivery date she has become very snippy with Tyson and the cats in the house, which never happened before.  All she does is lays by my side when I lay on the sofa or in front of the fireplace.  I even put a heating blanket in her whelping bed thinking the heat would entice her to lay in there.  No dice.  Her appetite is still good.  I have so many worries.  Her pups will be 1/4 pit and 3/4 boxer.  Can I register them as boxers?  or mix?  How long after she has her pups must I keep Tyson away from her and the pups? I have someone on standby who is going to take Tyson to another house that I own.  Also, when he comes back home how do I introduce Tyson to the pups without Jazzy getting angry or snippy?  Last... I had seen on a video that a person was aspirating the puppies mouth and nose...must I do that?  I have read your comments and you are so right the waiting is the hardest part, I wont leave the house for nothing.  I had a cat once who gave birth on Easter Sunday and named them Flopsy, Mopsy and Bunny, now we are having Christmas pups and it looks like Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vison, Comet, Cupid, Donder, BLitzen and Rudolph will not arrive pulling a sleigh this year at our house.  I thank you so much for all your expert advice.

Hi! A lot of dogs won't lay in their whelping box. As long as you have it set up, and she knows where it is, that's fine. When labor actually starts, then you can get her in it, and she'll most likely stay in it. She'll be too busy to want to move around too much. Her being snippy is normal, some dogs get that way. When she starts her labor, it would be best to remove Tyson from her whelping area. Most moms get nervous when other dogs are around, it may stall labor is she's worried about him being there. Mom may not want him around her or her pups for a long while. She may never want him around the pups, she may be ok with it after they're about 5-6 weeks old. I would put Tyson in the yard, and let mom see him through a door or wondow and see how she reacts. Since they will be mixes, you won't be able to register them. As for cleaning the pups' noses and mouths out, it's best to do it. It just gives them a better start. Because of the way Boxers' mouths are made, it's also best to cut the cord yourself. Use dental floss to tie the cord a few inches from the belly, and use your fingernails in a sawing motion to cut them. Don't cut them clean with scissors, it's hard to get the bleeding to stop that way. I'm going to give you my e-mail address, so you can contact me if you have any more questions, I'm setting myself to vacation on here for a week or so. P.S. I like those names!  that's three v's, and please put Boxer puppy or something like that in the subject line.