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when to breed after delivery; heat cycles -NuVET Plus;

18 11:55:21

Hi, My little jack russell terrier had puppies on March 18th. She is 2 years old and back to her norma self. We kept one of the puppies out of 3, a boy who is now about 11 weeks old. We have about 5 or 6 people who would like one of the puppies but didn't get one obviously. Since she just had puppies, her next heat would be about July, would it be alright health-wise for her to have another litter right after her first one? The vet says to wait, my husband says let nature rule, for me personally, it would be better this year, rather than waiting. We would have homes for them, just want a second opinion what would be best for her. Thank-you.

Hi, Best wishes on the litter of Jack Russells!  What a fun and active breed.
I believe the Vet said to skip this "Heat" because it gives her body more time to recover.
If you use a very good quality food and supplements she should have a healthy pregnancy.
You will get 2 opinions on this.

This is a good article from a Very cool Vet:  Just explains the Heat cycle:

Consider giving Momma NuVET Plus Wafers 1 1/2 per day during and after her pregnancy.
( only 1 per day NuVET Wafers after the litter is weened)
See here:   ( tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you)
Give Discount Code 81098 for the 15% off program

BEST wishes ....

Marie Peppers LPN MA