Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Noodles


18 11:54:52

Hello, my dog Noodles is a Pure Bred Shih-Tzu, and she is in heat. She is about 4 years old, and one of the neighborhood dogs bred with her.
They have locked several times in the past week, 4 that I have seen. and 2x with a different doggy.
I was wondering on what the chances of her being pregnant?

Hi Kasadee

My question is why would you allow your pure bred to be running around with the neighborhood dawgs when she's in heat?  A lady of refined breeding should be locked in the ivory tower when the boys come calling.  

Seriously though, you don't know what kind of lines the other dogs have and if these dogs are carrying STD's like bucellois.  She could have some serious complication in whelp if there are some large dogs in the backgrounds (anything bigger than 20 lbs for example) and brucellois can be deadly to both your female and any ensuing litter.

If she was bred a number of times over the course of her season, the chances are real good of her catching.

Good luck.