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Birth defects

18 13:31:23

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I have a question about birth defects. I am extremely nervous about my English Bulldog having her first litter. I am new to breeding but I have done my research and have been planning this for over 3years. I have spent a considerable amount of money having her health tests/ conception tests and I took her for an ultra-sound on December 22nd. The vet confirmed that she had at least 6 puppies and was positive that there would be more. Anyways, I am very scared that the puppies will have birth defects or will be stillborn. Is there anyway to prevent this and anything that could cause such a thing to happen?

Hi. Birth defects and still born pups happen quite often. The only thing that you can really do to prevent them is to make sure she gets quality dog food, exercise, and excellant vet care. Also, it's best to not use pestisides on a pregnant dog, or around her at all during the pregnancy, as some have been found to cause birth defects. Some breeders give supplements, you have to be careful with them though. It's best to talk to your vet or another experienced breeder in your breed to see what they think about them. Also, some lines are more prone to birth defects than others. If you health tested her, and bred her to a health tested dog, and know both dog's ancestory, then you'll know about what to expect. Sometimes though, these things just happen, with no seeming reason. Good luck!