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is my dog in labour

18 11:55:49

hi i only found out yesterday that my 1 yr old bull mastive cross is pregnant and is between 5 wk 5 days to  due term . just done her anal temp with humaN digital thermomiter and it was 37.5 is that within nnormal range also she threw up last night and has been very playfull today and very clingy to

How did you must find out that your Mastiff was pregnant? I am not understanding the information you are providing, is she 6 weeks pregnant or is she 6 weeks from delivering? These are two different numbers. I do not know what 37.5 is, you would need to figure out the equivalent in fahrenheit. If she is going into labor then it is too early. Dogs have a gestation period of 63 days. Before then can be detrimental to the well being of the puppies.