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My shih t zu is in heat

18 11:58:28

I have a female who is 2 year's old. She is small and in heat. This is going on her third week. My concern is that I also have another larger dog. He is like a benji..he is a wheaton terrier mixed. He weighs probably 25 to 30 lbs. He dug under the back yard fence to get to her. I found her all wet from head to toe,and the male still trying with her. I am new at this and wondering did he get her? If he did will she be okay to have the puppies? I don't make a lot of money and want her to be safe. I lost 2 dog's in one year and that is hard to deal with. What should I do? I thought of having her spayed before she goes further along now and could be pregnant. Any advice would be so nice to hear right now. Thanks for listening, Joyce


There is always the chance that she took.  The difference could be a problem, especially if you don't know what the male is mixed with.

You may want to consider going to the vet immediately for a shot of oxytocin, this will abort her litter but it may save her life.

Good luck