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breeding bullmastiffs

18 13:32:39

Hi renee,
My wife and I have two purebred bullmastiffs, we purchased them, unrelated for the purpose of breeding when they came of age. This will be the females second heat, second heat that she has been old enough to breed, and while she is doing all the right things, like backing up etc, he will not do anything. Last time he tried at least, but unsuccessfully, as he couldn't mount her long enough to get contact. We don't know what to do, he just isn't interested. what can we do?

Hi Adam. Sometimes, an inexperienced male won't really know what to do. You can try using a teaser male. Put your male in the house where he can watch. Put a different male on a leash, and let him flirt and try to mount your female. Just don't let them actually breed, and make sure your male is watching. After a while, put the teaser male up, and let your male back out with your female. This helps a lot more than you would think. You can also keep them seperated in the house for a few hours, let him see and smell her, just don't let him around her. After a while, let them together again. It helps build up the excitement. One more thing, have you checked his penis? Sometimes males have a too tight sheath, making breeding painful to them. And is the female much bigger than the male? If he's having a hard time making contact, you may need to elevate him higher so he can reach the target. What day of her cycle is she on?