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Swollen Nipples

18 12:00:00

My JR gave birth a few days ago and her back two nipples are hard and lumpy.I was wondering if this is normal? Or what I could do to make them go back to normal. I have tried making the pups feed from them but none of then will. There were no problems with the pregnancy so any help will be good.
Thank You

Hi Shelly

That sounds like the beginning of mastitis a serious and some time fatal result of pregnancy.

You need to get her into a tub of warm water and gently massage the nipples so the milk becomes expressed.  Do this a couple times a day.

It is very important that you DON'T let the pups feed off the nipples as the milk is bad and can be fatal to them.  You can band and cover the nipples with gauze.  

The alternative is a low dosage of penicillin from the vet to clear it up.

Good luck