Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > too young to have puppies?

too young to have puppies?

18 13:42:55

I caught my 8 month old labrador/collie x bitch with my I 9 year old collie x dog. This is the start of the second week into her first seaon.
If it's safe, I plan to keep the puppies and get her spayed straight after.
BUT I am worried she is too young and there will be problems for her and the puppies. Do you think she should be done NOW?
I cought her yesterday morning.
Thanks, Trish.

A female under a year old is young.  At that age she isn't fully developed mentally or physically.  She may have complications such as rejecting the litter.  

You can take her to the vet and get a shot that will clear her out.  The downside of the shot is that there is a chance that she won't be able to have pups in the future.