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my stud wont mount my bitch

18 13:31:37

i have a pair of cane corso mastiffs stud is 2 years bitch is 2 years. neither have bread before. she is in heat and ready/giving all the signals moving tail aside waiving in his face etc.the problem is early in her heat he was trying to mount her and she was aggressive. now she is ready and he just licks and cowers.even if i try to assist. what can i do

Hi Jason.  The heat cycle normally lasts for 5 - 7 days, so possibly he will come around in time.

If not, you can always try artificial insemination.  There are kits available online - just Google the words, "Dog Artificial Insemination kits".

Or, if this is not something you feel comfortable with, normally your vet will be willing to preform the insemination for a fee.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto