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Preg. Chihuahua

18 13:34:42

I have a beautiful pregnant chihuahua that has been pregnant for about a month and a half. I was wondering if it would be ok for me to trim her nails since they have gotten so long lately. She fought with me before and I am questionable about doing it this time because she is pregnant. I also have another question, what are some good prenatal foods that would be good for her? Would Cheese be ok to give to her? Thank you.

Hi Jessica. Please do trim her nails.:-) She'll feel so much better if you do. All you need to feed her is her dog food. As long as you have her on a good quality food, she'll do just fine, and will be better off without any treats, especially the human kind. You can try to give her a carrot. A lot of dogs love these. It's crunchy, gives them some good to chew on. However, keep some beeth broth and plain vanilla icecream on hand for the whelping. Good luck!