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Unwanted mating in Golden Retreivers

18 13:30:37

Is there a safe way to terminate a pregnancy in a 1 year old Golden Retreiver.  I thought her heat cycle had ended until I found her in the yard with the neighbor's dog.  I do want to breed her in the future, but not now and not with that dog?

Hi Beverly.  There are several drugs that have been used to terminate unwanted pregnancy for dogs, which include: Bromocryptine, Cabergoline, Dopamine, and Epostane.

However, before assuming that actual mating occurred, I would have a vet preform a pregnancy test to confirm that she did in fact conceive a litter.

Once you and your vet feel confident that your female is pregnant you can discuss the next step.  Here is a website address that contains information on the drugs mentioned above, and how they are administered.

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto