Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Female Bichon was Mated

Female Bichon was Mated

18 13:29:16

QUESTION: My female bichon was mated on February 26th and in the past week she has had a decrease in appetite.

She's still very playful but it's like she has lost her appetite.  Do you know what could be wrong with her?

ANSWER: Hi. If she was bred, her appetite loss could be because she's pregnant. Some dogs at this stage will have an upset tummy, or their belly is starting to get a little crowded. You can offer her food more often, just smaller meals and see if that helps. You can also put some cottage cheese, beef broth, or yogurt on her food to see if that perks her up. If it lasts for a few days, then you may want to take her in to the vet for a check up just to be safe. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I tried giving my dog all of the foods you listed in your previous response.  I even tried giving her food flavoring for dog food and she did not like that.  The vet stated that she has all the signs of being pregnant and refused to give her vaccinations.

What can I do to help her with her appetite.  I do not want her to hurt her babies by not eating.  I am really concerned about her and my vet keeps telling me that her appetite will come in due time.  She loves to roll over on her back and have me rub her back like her belly is hurting.  I also noticed that she has been spotting a little.  Is this normal?

Some girls get upset stomachs during this time, about 30 days after being bred. it's normal, and most of them pick up eating on their own. A dog will not starve itself unless something is wrong with it. If she goes a few weeks at picking at her food, then starts back eating, I wouldn't worry too much as long as she's drinking and acting fine. The spotting has me worried. Is it bloody, or another color? If it's anything but clear, get her to the vet, that's not normal.