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Exercising the pregnant bitch

18 13:37:51

I have a five year old Jack Russell Terrier who is expecting her first litter and I am wondering how much exercise is too much for her.  She is now (hopefully) 1-2 weeks pregnant and if you know Jacks at all they are impossible to keep down.  3-4 times a week we got to the dog park with her and our other dog (a Black Lab/Border Collie cross) and she does a fair bit of running.  I have backed off on her flyball training, we now only do passing (over 3 low jumps) and turning on the ramp.  She has always been a fairly active dog and is in pretty good shape and I never push her, just let her choose her activity level.  Because I had to fly her from the middle of Canada (Saskatchewan) to Ohio for this breeding I don't want to take any chances.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Jillian. For now, I'd let her decide on the exercise. If she's happy running around and being active, let her go. I'd lay off the jumps (like you said you did:-). When she's further along, you may want to pull back on the exercise even more. Trips to the dog park may not be a good idea as she may pick something up from another dog, even if she's up to date on her shots. Besides that, it sounds like your girl is plenty active, which very well could help her during whelping. Encourage the exercise, but not the jumping just to be on the safe side. When she's about 6-7 weeks, you may want to stop all jumping. Besides that, I'd let her run to her hearts content. I keep my girls going up until the big day. The last week or so we usually just make small walks around the neighborhood, as they're usually tired by this time. Good luck!