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Corgi pup problem

18 13:33:09

My female corgi had 7 pups last night. This is her fourth little and everything went perfect.
Now today I have a little female pup that seems to be kinda still gasping and cries repeatedly on exhalation.
I have never had this happen to me before ever and I have been a Vet Tech for 15 years. I live in the country and really don't want to go 30 miles to the vet. Any suggestions???
Thank you so much!

Hi Beth

As a tech, you would understand that the older the female and the more litter she has, the chances of having healthy pups goes down, especially if she hasn't had an opportunity to recover physically.  In my experience, I have found that females that are whelp at age 5 and older are at a greater risk of having pups that fade.

Make sure the pups air passages are cleaned out.  You can squeeze her gently like an accordion.  Keep her warm but placing her in a warm basket.  

Good luck