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breeding 2 virgin dobys

18 11:56:40

Hi there,
I have 2 virgin dobermans. They are both 2 years old. My female is in heat its her 11th day. she has light pink discharge but isnt flagging her tail she just wants to play with my male or sits when he licks her. my male licks and sniffs her but doesnt try to mount even if i hold the female. but he humps his pillow if i give it to him so im assuming that he doesnt have a low sex drive lol. Ive been separating them and only have them together for 30min to a hour a day. is there anything else i should be doing to try to get them to mate? do you think they wont mate because they live together and are both virgins? If they dont mate this time around do you think I should bring in a stud or stud my male out so that one of them will have get experince? Do you think it works better if the female has experience or the male?

Hi Brianna

Experience can play apart but I think the biggest thing is that they are together 24/7.   Day 11 can be early so why not keep them completely separated for the next 2 days.  

If nothing happens, bring in a teaser male (any breed).  Tie the stud you want to use in the same room when you're "breeding" or letting the male sniff and "play" with your male.  This will kick the male into action.

Mother Nature has a way of making everything work out, so it's doesn't really matter if one has more experience than the other.

Good luck