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my nina

18 11:59:41

Hello my nina is an 11mnth old(pittbull) now but my male friend mated her on her first heating at that multiple times( every other day starting 08/08/09 for about a week straight.) She has gone past 2 due dates and she is big... Another problem is that she is lettn my male pittbull mount her. If he penetrates her will she go into labor???

Hi Robin

Your male should mount a female unless she's in heat and your female shouldn't let him mount her.   If she's not in heat, the alternative is she's bleeding or has an infection, both signs of trouble.

If your female is expecting, you should keep the male away from her regardless. He can seriously damage your female.  Brucellios and/or infection is a real concern which would be the kiss of death for your litter.

On a side note, a first heat is too young to breed a female.  If your female is not mentally or physical mature you can have complications, she'll stop growing and there is a chance that she'll reject her litter.