Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pick of the litter or stud fee

pick of the litter or stud fee

18 13:41:21

Hi there,
I have a litter of 6 healthy pups. Prior to breeding, I explained to the sire's owner that she can have a pup or a stud fee. It has taken her several months to decide. Now she is aking for half the litter. Can you educate me on the rules of breeding, re: fee or pick of the litter. I need to help her understand. thanks!

HI Mardy. No, please do not give her half the litter! She agreed to either pick of the litter, or a stud fee. She should have already decided which one she wants. If you agree to either pick or the stud fee, that's what you get. She can refuse to sign the papers if you don't give her what she wants, but then you can contact the AKC or whatever registry you're using for help on the matter. Don't let her bully you into giving her half the litter. If she already agreed to one or the other, she has no claim to any other puppies but the pick. That's it. It sounds like she's being greedy. Please let me know how it works out.