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boxer bitch overdue

18 13:43:14

m boxer is overdue by three days ,she seems fine is eating and drrinking and is quite happy to go out in the garden,her temp has dropped to 36.8c do you think she is ok

Hi Eileen. Is there anyway possible that she could have been bred at a latter date? If her temp dropped then she should go into labor within 24-48 hours after the drop. If she doesn't then you need to get her to the vet. I would take her in to the vet for a check up just to be safe. If she's acting ok for now, then keep a good eye out, let your vet know when her due date was. I dog may have been bred on one day, but may not have actually ovulated until a few days later. Since sperm can live inside of the female for up to 5 (sometimes 7 days), then she may not have gotten pregnant when you thought she had. Talk to your vet, and see what he thinks. Good luck!