Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pregant mini dachshund

pregant mini dachshund

18 13:31:01

catlyn is a mini dach she and my other dach casey are going to have babies would you please help iam looking for a video of dachshunds having babies so iam not afraid this is our frist litter my vet is not helpful i also need to know what iam going to need people tell you one thing and another tells you no also what is a good whelping bed
                              HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON
                                        THANKS GERRI

Hi. I don't know of any videos with doxie's whelping, you could try YouTube. I'm going to give you a web site that is really great. There's pictures of dogs whelping, a pregnancy calender, and a list of supplies that you'll need. Things that are a must: whelping box, plenty of towels, a good source of heat for the pups, iodine, dental floss for the cords, plenty of bedding that you can wash-no newspapers after mom is done whelping, puppy formula just in case, and bottles. A good whelping box for a dog her size would be a plastic storage bin from Wal-Mart. You can cut a hole in it for mom, and it would be easy to clean. Let me know if I can help with anything else.