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sickly rottweiler puppy

18 13:37:45

My rottweiler had just given birth 2 days ago, 8 puppies. One of the puppies came out feet first. The umbilical cord was cut too short, now we're worried the puppy may be proned to infection as it has stopped feeding and its temperature has gone down. It's not as active as the others. The mother was given antibiotics by the vet. We manually feed the pup every 2 hours and made sure to normalize its temp. Is there anything else we should do? Or, are we going about this the right way?

Hi Stacey. The most important thing that you can do before feeding that puppy is to make sure that he's warm. Then, try to feed him. It sounds like you guys are doing what's needed. I'd suggest a trip to the vet to make sure that this pup is ok. You can also try to put a few drops of a sugar solution to get him going. Mix a little bit of sugar in warm water, put it in a dropper and put a few drops on his tongue. It may get him going enough to want to eat. Also, amke sure he's good and warm before trying this. Good luck!