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Chihuahua in labor

18 13:26:50

Hi, my Chihuahua mix went into labor at 4:30pm yesterday. The puppy came out at about 6:00pm. I know my dog is having more the one puppy but she had little contraction at bout 8:00pm and the puppy never got out of her womb, it's not stuck in the birth canal because the puppy is not visible but i KNOW she had more then one puppy in her stomach. I am taking her to the vet today but it opens at 10:00am and i can only go at bout 11:00am, do you think the puppies are dead? is there still a chance that she will be able to push them out on her own without a shot?clearly it has been more then 4 hours since the first puppy. At the moment my Chihuahua is nursing her first pup and seems relaxed and is not panting but again i am SURE there is more then one puppy. Thankyou! Can you give me any advice on how to get her in the mode to push the pup out? I have tried getting her to walk around but she doesn't want to move from her puppy side.PLEASE HELP!!

Hi Angel

Are you sure because you consulted your crystal ball, or are you sure because you did x-rays?

If it's the latter, you will need your vet to give her a shot of oxytocin to get contractions started, because the time span, just walking won't cut it.

Pups that are retained will start to decompose and become toxic, they need to be removed immediately.

Good luck