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pregnant boxer and vitamins

18 11:58:50

ive a 15 month boxer and about two weeks ago i gave her worm dose as she had lost weight and vet recommended this i suspect she may be pregnant now her nipples big and swollen,increased appetite,weight gain in lower abdomen,mood swings either wants to be left alone or overly affectionate and follows me everywhere wants  be beside me entire time(not usually like her) im worried if she is pregnant then i may have damaged puppies by worming her also is there special dog vitamins that she needs for pups to develop, vet is closed for two days any advice would be much appreciated as im really worried now

Hi Siobhan

It's never advisable to give a pregnant (or suspected)female de-wormers or shots.  They can be very harmful to the ensuing pups.  You are best to wait until after the pups are whelped.  How far along is she?  And what was the name of the product she was given?

Vitamins, fish oil and quality food is always recommended.  There are available at any quality pet store.  Stay away from puppy food until after she whelps. The higher protein and fats will result in larger pups, which for bull breeds, can mean complications in whelp.

Good luck