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pregnant beagle

18 13:27:59

our feamale beagle is due within a month. we have always brought out a kids pool and let the birth happen there. this is her second litter and with the first she kept carrying the pups to her dog pen. my question is, what type of bedding is recommended for her dog house if this happens? right now we have straw in there. we were thinking of omitting the pool all together and letting her go where she is comfortable. we have 2 male beagles also which could be separated from her with no problem. any ideas??   thanks

Hi Teri

I understand the use of the kiddie pool, the ease of cleaning and such, I just don't care for them myself. If a pup gets wedged up against the plastic they have a great chance of suffocation.   But that being said, thousands of breeders use them without incident.

Straw in the dog house is best (unless there is allergies) or shredded paper, old towels, and/or shavings.

It's best that the males are removed.

Good luck!